(Mon - Saturday)
Bus-stop Independence Layout Enugu

We Are PWANPRISTINE Making Home Ownership a dream Reality About Uss PWAN PRISTINE Let's take real estate beyond the walls and into new possibilities!
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Amazing Team Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate, build a thriving business, or earn passive income, PWAN Pristine is your trusted partner. About Us

PWAN PRISTINE Estate Development and Business Solutions LTD

PWAN PRISTINE is one of the newest affiliate of PWAN MAX group. Whilst PWAN Max group has been in existence for the past 13years, PWAN PRISTINE was launched on 21st of December, 2024.

We specialize in real estate network marketing and business development solutions, helping individuals and businesses grow wealth through strategic property investments, partnerships, and marketing opportunities.

Our Vision

Beyond the Walls of Real Estate – We believe real estate is more than just buying and selling properties. It’s about building relationships, creating wealth, securing a financial future and transforming lives through innovative investment opportunities.

Our Mission

Taking Real Estate Service Beyond the Walls of Real Estate – We go beyond traditional real estate services, building lasting relationships, offering unique network marketing opportunities that empower individuals to earn, learn, and grow in the real estate industry.

We position our clients at the forefront of their needs.

Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate, build a thriving business, or earn passive income, PWAN Pristine is your trusted partner. Take the next step and become part of a growing network of real estate professionals and investors.

Honesty And Integrity

We possess moral, honesty and hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.


We take full responsibility for our results and solutions we provide.


We practice multimodal process to market properties better. We will apply our creative sill set to help customers accomplish their goals.

Customer Satisfaction

We provide our customers individual care to achieve the highest level of service. We will “seek first to understand” when communicating with our customers.

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’re glad to discuss your organisation’s situation. So please contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our office address:

No 2 Court Avenue, 1st floor by WAEC Bus-stop Independence Layout Enugu

Call for help:


Mail us for information

    We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)